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杭州哲丝薇服饰有限公司坐落于美丽的西子湖畔,企业主导女装品牌"iamso", 一个诞生于英国伦敦的传奇,推崇High Fashion的华丽和高雅,却又不失街头时尚的年轻,活力,自由,创意和个性化。灵活变通的舒适功能配上刁钻考究的用色剪裁,保留华丽的同时,淡化隆重与刻意,希望可以得到每个追求浪漫自由的新时代女性的青睐。 "iamso"服饰经过慢长的酝酿,吸纳汇聚了众多精英才俊, 是一家专业设计,生产,销售女装为一体的高端服饰企业.沿用当今商界最佳连锁经营模式,迄今已吸纳了众多智识商家,携手"iamso",加盟"iamso"企业,现在全国各大中型城市招募代理商及连锁店.我们希望她的创意能得以更广的传播,本着"友好合作,互利互惠 "的原则与社会各界谋求共同发展。 |
Brand History: 50年代的迷你英式时代,Mary Quant1962年设计的迷你裙无处不在,它打破了时装传统的比例,平衡,以及审美方式,它让一切看起来都有点颠三倒四。 In 50's Mini-British era, Mini-skirt designed by Mary Quant 1962 was everywhere, which has broken the traditional fashion proportion, balance, and aesthetic way, which make everything look a little topsy-turvy. 70年代,各国年轻人狂热投入到嬉皮运动时,当时的时装以面料先声夺人。波西米亚风格掀起了令人眼花缭乱的风潮,成就了过去50年来最花哨,最浪漫的服装风格。与此同时,在东伦敦兴起了一股朋克风潮,令人不安与恐惧的粗暴外表下,埋藏着浪漫的因子。80年代,一种新的浪漫主义风潮让一半拜伦,一半雷蒙波德的中性诱惑成为不可抗拒的乐趣。90年代开始至今,英伦风潮主要定义为前卫,保守,叛逆,混搭,年轻,复古。一点点颓废,一点点摇滚。 70's, when young men devoted themselves to the hippy movement, the fashion had sounded loaded with fabrics. Bohemian style set off a dazzling wave of success over the past 50 years, the most fancy, and the most romantic clothing styles. At the same time, an upsurge of punk trend had been raised in East London, the brutal appearance of disturbing and fear buried romance factor. 80's, a new wave of romanticism made half of the Byron half Leimengbode become an irresistible fun of neutral temptation. Sine 90's till now, British fashion has mainly defined as avant-garde, conservative, rebellious, mashups, young, retro with a little decadent, a little rock. 而什么是 Mix & Match呢 ?混合与搭配。这是90年代「个人主义式」的穿着观念盛行时时尚圈提出的口号「混搭」,也就是把不见得同一种风格的服装混在一起,重新搭配,反而能穿出与众不同的个人造型。 While what is Mix & Match? This is the slogan "Mashups" raised by the fashion circle when the wearing concept of "individualism" was popular in 90's, which not necessarily mix the same style of clothing but re-mix different style, the distinctive individual modeling can be shown. 我们将 "IamSo"定义为一种生活态度,主张自我个性的展现。字面上可以理解为 " 我就是这样!"那么对于"这样"每个人都有自己的理解和诠释。因此我们希望通过不同风格的服饰,以混搭作为一种方式,重新搭配,使每个人可以穿出自我风格。IamSo 品牌将既保守又前卫的英伦风格,与神秘的东方文化相结合,使服装保持一种简约、个性、唯美、创新的品牌形象。 We defined "IamSo" as an attitude of life, to advocate the emerging of personality. Literally it can be explained as "I am so!",for this phases "so" everyone has their own understanding and interpretation. Therefore, we hope to re-mix variant styles of clothing through mix and match, enables people to show their personal styles. Brand IamSo makes the best use of both conservative and avant-garde of England style, combining with the mysterious oriental culture to create a brand image of simple, personal, aesthetic and innovative. IamSo,一个诞生于英国伦敦的传奇,推崇High Fashion的华丽和高雅,却又不失街头时尚的年轻,活力,自由,创意和个性化。灵活变通的舒适功能配上刁钻考究的用色剪裁,保留华丽的同时,淡化隆重与刻意,希望可以得到每个追求浪漫自由的新时代女性的青睐。 IamSo, a legend that was born in London, praises High Fashion's gorgeous and elegant, without losing street fashion of young, dynamic, free, creativity and personalization. Flexible and comfortable features coupling with the exquisite and tricky use of color retains gorgeous, meanwhile diluted solemnity and deliberation. We hope that our style can be favored by each new era women who pursues romantic freedom. 目标消费群特征:独立、自信、时尚、良好品位和文化素养、有主见及较强的消费力,追求自由、精致的生活方式。 Characteristics of objective consumer group: independence, self-confidence, fashion, good taste and attainment, determined with strong spending power, chasing freedom and sophisticated lifestyle. 面料采用:主要以当今主流精纺棉、天然麻、羊毛、羊绒、真丝、雪纺、莱卡、各种高科技涤纶等为主导面料,辅以市场最新面料。 Use of Fabric: mainly in current mainstream spinning cotton, natural hemp, wool, cashmere, silk, chiffon, Lycra, polyester as the leading fabrics, combined with the latest market fabrics. 产品结构:以系列产品出现,以T恤、衬衫、毛衣、风衣、外套、大衣、时装裤、休闲裤、牛仔裤、半裙、连衣裙、晚装等为主辅以相应配饰,使整个产品线更具搭配性、兼容性 Product structure: The product appears as series, mainly supported by T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, coats, jackets, coats, fashion trousers, casual pants, jeans, semi-skirts, dresses, evening wear corresponding with appropriate accessories, so that make the whole product line more match and compatibility 产品设计:设计以简洁、精致为主,注重原创及细节,强调目标消费群特有的身材结构与服装裁剪的完美结合,将欧美时尚与东方传统巧妙结合,使产品单品和系列搭配均能将东方女性美诠释得恰到好处。 Design of product: the design which mainly focuses on simple and elegant, emphasize on original and details and underline the perfect combination of the unique body structure of objective consumption group and clothing cutting, combines the euramerican fashion and eastern tradition dexterously in order to make the single product and series collocation interpret the beauty of oriental female just right. 品牌: I am so 爱慕说 IAMSO LONDON LTD,英国伦敦爱慕说有限公司 Address:ROOM 4,37 Abercorn Place,london,NW8 9DR,UK 杭州哲丝微服饰有限公司 Jesuis Fashion Ltd, Hangzhou 地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区创意路1号凤凰创意国际A4-3-302 |
A:强大的产品研发生产能力确保单季款量; B:设计元素采集中心确保流行爆款的比重; C: 产品搭配所用配饰的供应; D:全国性报刊、杂志和网络媒体的品牌推广; 运营优势 A:专业的开业、运营指导; B:专业免费的店员培训; C:专业促销方案的制定参考; D:订货会与快捷的VIP网络订货相结合的订货方式; 价格优势 A:快时尚的量贩价产品定位; B:低折扣的供货折扣规避销售风险; C:物超所值的产品品质; D: 灵活可控的利润空间; 政策优势 A:零加盟费; B:零保证金; C:100%退换货; D:免费专卖形象设计; E:道具支持、装修补助; F: 超额业绩返利; G: 特价货品定向供给; H:专营区域保证。 加盟条件 A:良好的信誉和启动资金 B:认同公司经营理念 C:认同公司产品理念 D:遵守公司的品牌管理章程 E:执行公司的业绩提升方案 |
公司名称: 杭州哲丝薇服饰有限公司 公司地址:杭州九堡四季青服装大市场4楼255号 联 系 人:张经理 电 话:13456922001 0571-28266019 |